You might want to expand your horizons a bit. Your argument is very much contained wtihin an Arabian mindset. You circle around your point instead of as we do in Engllish and in Western thought: Stae your hypothesis, give supporting details, give your conclusion, in a linear fasihion. Perhaps after some exploration from some points of view outside of your Arabic influenced lingustic style translated into English, you might want to give this a second try.
Also, Westerns don't consider the quoting of Holy Books as proof. Any parts of your argument using the Quran, Bible or Torah are falling on deaf ears.
Your relligious education outside Islam appears lacking when you state that the Bible wsa revealed to Jesus. Christianity and Islam are not that easy to equate one to one as Christianity was not "revealed" to one person like Isllam to Mohammed further weakening your arguement. Thanks for trying though. Your faith shows strong.
I am still interested in how the artistic forms in the Quran show how it must have been created by God. Maybe in a few years and some more study, you can better explain that. I for one would appreciate it. Thanks.