When I went overseas to live, I somehow managed to live debt-free for 16 years with ease. I even managed to save money every year. It’s been four years since I returned to the United States. The money I saved over 16 years overseas is gone. Now I’m sinking into debt faster than I ever thought possible. The philosophical problem is: I am fully aware that my supposed personal debt is a creation of the systems of oppression put into place to ensure a lifetime of indebtedness.
I feel that since this farcical situation was imposed on me by forces of selfishness, greed and ignorance beyond my control that the ignorant and oppressive system of greed that encourages the hoarding of wealth at the top is at fault and therefore should be the ones to bare the responsibility, the blame and the consequences of a debt that I spent 16 years showing that I could easily avoid if it were within my power to do so.
The shame, burden, loss of self worth and self esteem that we are all supposed to feel because of this unjust system are weaponized against us to keep us from questioning the accumulation of wealth stolen from us by those on the top of this scheme. I don’t feel that it is necessary for us to support the lies of a system such as this.