I’m working on a theory based on my observations: It seems to me that the more a person lies, either to themselves or to others, that the less capable they are of seeing or accepting the truth.
It’s as if lies alter the neural network in our brains to the point where we believe that lies are truth while our brains filter out real truth to conform to our preconceived perceptions. Kind of like a self hypnosis.
If that is the case, then “reality” is much more fungible and subjective than we generally expect. Either that or humans possess an extraordinarily dangerous ability of self deception.
My hypothesis is that our collective consensus reality has been infested with so many lies that we have collectively blinded ourselves to a more truthful reality around us. It’s a reality that we can barely perceive these days which is more true than the common consensus reality that we deceive ourselves into believing is true.
Sorry if I rambled here, it’s a work in progress.