I would like to remind everyone that this is NOT over reactionary alarmist rantings about the possible. These things are happening. In Florida, and in Texas, the example held up as the perfect fascist theocratic state that that the right-wing wants all of us to emulate.
I barely just escaped from Texas. The far right has already taken over there. PAST TENSE.
I know personally in Texas that they are openly and brazenly persecuting whomever they want. They are empowered to take away your home, your job, whatever they want if they feel that you shouldn't have the right to live. After I was fired in retaliation for complaining about my employer's wage theft, the state of Texas tried three times to cut off my unemployment benefits. Three times they claimed that I entered my information on the wrong day of the week, so rescinded my benefits. Each time I was forced to refile. Each time I lost a couple weeks of benefits. They wanted me to die. That was their goal. That's only one example. There's plenty more, but this isn't my page.
People used to believe wrongly that they would never overturn Roe v. Wade. They did. Since then, they've become very emboldened to put an end to LGBTQ people in general, and trans people specifically. They want to put an END to these minorities who they already fiercely oppress.
Thanks, Richard, for the warning.