A loving God abandoned this planet when it become apparent that our need to lie and to hate overshadowed our love for HIm.
The twisted and unholy persecution of gays, using the Bible as their weapon is about as far from "love your neighbor as you love yourself" as one can get.
It's unfortunate that this perversion of the message of love in the Bible (if you can manage to still see it despite those who call themselves Christians) found renewed strength when Trump took office.
My father, who had begrudgingly accepted me for 30 years, was finally able to feel comfortable disowning me this year just as the coronavirus hit as we went into quarantine.
The assurances of some that "we were all in this together" were bitter reminders that we were definitely not "in this together." The mad rush for toilet paper, I think, proved that people are self-serving liars who would gladly throw anyone under the bus to save their hypocritical lives.
I've gone down the same bitter road myself as Braden, as have many thousands of LGBTQ people, many of them dead from suicide brought about by the hatred, the dismissal, and the harsh judgements of a cruel society.
A country where some claim to follow the teachings of Jesus showing their "Christian values" through following a known liar and rapist. Their example of a "good Christian" leader.
I think these people have shown clearly who they are through their actions these past 100 years. The lies of Pat Roberton and the like have been exposed enough to show them as the real false prophets warned about in Revelation as they point their hateful fingers at the innocent victims of their rhetoric seeking to further destroy real American families that value the diversity of life God makes apparent in His creation.
But, that's just my take, and I've had a crappy day. One of many. I've had enough of having my dignity, my job, my famly, and my life being ripped apart by arrogant and smug deceivers.